Does this sound familiar? You have a great idea, have developed a fantastic business plan or case, spoken with numerous experts and read tons of white papers. You’ve pitched your idea, there’s buy-in and you’re ready to go. Then you talk to your outside counsel and the trouble begins. Either your legal costs are through the roof, your plan needs substantial reworking or your timeline got stretched. Success just got more tenuous and uncertain.
We founded Lighthouse Legal Counsel to bring the best of in-house legal counsel services and the best of full service law firms to companies and individuals stuck between making do or buying premium law firm services.
Make no mistake, “Big Law” service is exceptional and those firms are staffed with exceptional lawyers. But… you can expect to pay on a blended fee basis $400-800/hour. And, STILL, you’re just not that interesting to them! You see, 60% of your legal fees just cover overhead before those firms make any profit. So those firms focus on the big stuff – stuff that will make or break a company, or your career or reputation – where they get a blank check from a client and can bill endless hours. Your routine legal needs and questions? It’s FILLER. Sure, they might represent you, but your $10,000, $20,000, or even $500,000 if its not recurring, just won’t move the needle. No wonder it sometimes might seem like they act like they’re doing you a favor. And so much for partnership.
You deserve your counsel to be in your corner. You can’t afford $150 for a fifteen minute call, nor should you have to. You deserve counsel who know their stuff and provide practical answers. Not what you could do if you had the appetite to fight it in court, but what you should do to address the issue, and move on. Answers based on a partnership that can only be achieved through regular contact without the threat of ballooning legal bills – so your advice is right-sized for the maturity, risk profile, and market positioning of your business.
That’s what Full Journey Business Law is. We are your first call, without hesitation. We partner with you, and get to know your business, so your plans are ready for execution with minimal legal hurdles.